Not sure if you’re part of the club? We’ve all heard what ‘waiting for it to get better’ sounds like:
It’s not that bad…
I’ll take care of it later…
It’ll get better on its own…
It’s just the weather…
I just need to stretch more…
If you’re a ‘wait and see’ kind of person, the rule of thumb to determine whether something is likely to go away on its own is the 3-Day Rule: if your pain is the same or worse after 3 days, you should consult with a healthcare professional like a physical therapist. If your pain is much better after 3 days but after 2 weeks you’re still waiting for it go away, then it’s also time to get a professional assessment to prevent chronic pain, movement compensations, or other complications.
Remember, it’s not normal to endure pain during your usual daily activities, which means you shouldn’t have to! Also, any problem is easier and cheaper to take care of in the early stages when it’s still a little problem. Waiting for it to turn into a big problem might help you mentally justify seeking help but it’ll end up costing you more in dollars and time.
No clinician should ever disparage a patient for seeking help for any amount of pain. In fact, at Body Gears, we encourage our community members to seek help before they even get pain! Optimizing postures and movement mechanics for everything from sports to household chores will help you prevent pain from coming on in the first place.
The whole reason we offer Free Discovery Sessions is so you can find out why you’re experiencing pain and what your options are to do something about it. You could be given self-management strategies and recommended to give it more time, you could be referred to the appropriate health discipline, or you could be recommended to start treatment for what’s causing your pain and working on any compensation patterns you’ve developed. Our Discovery Sessions are free so no one ever feels like they have to wait until they have a big problem before seeking help.
If you’re still waiting for your pain to go away or you know someone who is,
get your healing story started with us!
Written by: Dr. Julia Melanson, PT, DPT
Edited by: April Oury, PT, MSPT, IOC, CFMT, FAAOMPT, Founder
As always, consult with your Licensed Physical Therapist for individualized advice. For those in Illinois and California, visit your PT immediately without a prescription or referral.
Give us a call at (877) 709-1090 for more information or fill out the contact us form and we will contact you.
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All rights reserved. This blog or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a review.