
Why refer to us?
a physician, you treat patients to their maximum potential typically using surgery, pharmacology, or getting to the bottom of the problem through extensive diagnostic testing. As a unique part of the healthcare team, we give you another avenue to explore for patient treatments.
You can lean on our expertise as part of the plan. We strive to be an answer to your patients’ problems and collaborate with you to obtain the strongest results possible. Which patients are ideal candidates for this brand of therapy? Patients who:
- Report pain despite negative diagnostic test results
- Do not respond well to a pharmacological approach
- Are hesitant to go the surgical route
- Want to “try something new”
For these more ‘complex’ clientele, we are your resource for answers. At Body Gears, you will find some of the country’s top Functional Manual Therapists®. With our extensive knowledge of how to identify dysfunctions, we are able to eliminate subjective complaints through the latest pain science research and manual therapy techniques. What sets us apart is after we increase the patient’s mechanical efficiency, we re-train those tissues at the pre-motor and motor cortex to reproduce the new movement. This creates an automatic activation during daily functional activities. Homunculus re-training is the vehicle we employ to teach patients how to “drive the machine” in a different motor control pattern than what brought the patient to the original pain or injury.
Because we have no hospital or physician affiliations, we are forced to produce exceptional results to win your trust and referrals.

As a specific patient example, we had an eager middle aged woman come in with an old history of lower lumbar fusion, as well as anterior hip impingement release. She had been treated by numerous practitioners from different backgrounds and was “at her wits end” because of her low back/SI/hip pain. At her Initial Examination, the patient ambulated with a single Lofstrand crutch, demonstrating very poor control of her right hip and pelvis (in both swing and stance phase). She had been told she would need to use this for safe ambulation and balance issues for the rest of her life. Some of her previous treatment, which consisted of electric modalities, hip flexor and knee extensor exercises, as well as “core exercises,” did not yield the results she expected. Upon our manual assessment, this patient exhibited poor mobility and dissociation of the femur, innominate, and lumbar spine in very specific patterns of compensations. Extensive soft tissue mobilization, joint mobilization, and visceral/neural mobilization lead to great gains in mobility and function, to the point she no longer needed the assistive device.
We then used researched techniques to alter her proprioception for pelvic alignment and facilitated appropriate pelvicfemoral and lumbopelvic initiation to alter her static standing alignment. A few sessions focused on re-training the brain/body connection automatically while maintaining an efficient posture in sitting and standing. The next session, not only did the patient have reportedly less symptoms but also exhibited significant carry over in seated and standing posture. “I had a friend tell me she hasn’t seen me walking this great in the past 10 years!” These drastic improvements in gait mechanics have led to improved resting muscle tone, increased automatic core activation, and balance efficiency. As manual therapists, we are trained to directly correlate an evaluation of the patient’s base of support, alignment, Lumbar Protective Mechanism, weight shift, and weight acceptance to assess the patient’s functional ability. These are the five principles to enhance functional posture and efficiency. By assessing these 5 principles for such mundane tasks as posture in sitting, standing, and during transfers and functional activities required for day-to-day living, we can identify if the patient is functionally limited by a mechanical, neuromuscular, or motor control dysfunction.
Our therapists are always available to discuss any questions about our style of care, specific diagnoses or one of your referred patients.
Referring physicians:
Thank you for continued trust in our techniques and application. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you and solve your patients’ problems with you. Please let us know if your medical colleagues are interested in this approach so that we may develop a relationship with their office.