By: Dr. Elizabeth Racioppi, PT, DPT
CrossFit Open 17.2 Workout & Recommended Warm-Up
AMRAP 12 Minutes
Two Rounds:
50ft Front-Rack Dumbbell Walking Lunges (35/50)
16 Toes To Bar
8 Dumbbell Power Cleans (35/50
Then Two Rounds:
50ft Front-Rack Dumbbell Walking Lunges (35/50)
16 Bar Muscle-Ups
8 Dumbbell Power Cleans (35/50)
So what did Dave Castro mean by this? Double bar: TTB & BMU? In any case, toes-to-bar and bar muscle-ups it is! Both of these movements require a lot of shoulder strength and mobility, so my recommended warm-up for this workout will help to initiate scapular stabilizers and rotator cuff. We also have to properly warm-up core and glutes to help with kipping during both of those movements. Lastly, let’s not forget about the lunges. We want to insure solid gluteal activation to avoid knee valgus and other compensations.
Good luck and have fun!
Recommended Warm-Up:
PVC Pass-Throughs (x10)
Prone On Elbows (60sec hold, focus on serratus anterior activation and thoracic extension)
Abdominal series (30sec holds)
Plank to High Side Plank (10 each side)
Shoulder external rotation with band at side and at 90deg (20 each)
Hollow Rock (x15)
Banded glute bridges (band around knees, x30)
Lateral band walks (band around knees or ankles, 50ft each direction)
Light Dumbbell Power Cleans (10 each side)
Scapular Pull-Ups (x10)
Kips (x10)