Dr. Leah, PT, DPT and Dr. Mike, PT, DPT attended River North CrossFit this last Friday for “Friday Night Lights” where they worked with River North CrossFits’ community to help them perform better by offering complimentary Functional Manual Therapy(TM) assessments and taught their clients about healthy movement patterns.
We work with patients to create goals that the patients want, then our PTs create a plan of care that gets the patient to those goals ASAP. Many of these clients look to us to perform better at the activities that they love to do. In just a few sessions, our PT’s can get you moving better, lifting stronger and performing at your best ability.
Call us to ask one of our PTs about how we can get you to your peak performance goals with only a few appointments.
(877) 709-1090
Tags: body gears, physical therapy, crossfit, life, river nroth, RNCF, squat