The 18.1 Has a New Open Movement! It’s the Dumbbell Clean and Jerk!

  • 20min AMRAP
  • 8 toes to bar
  • 10 dumbbell clean and jerk
  • 12/14 calorie row

This is a long workout and very demanding on shoulders and midline. To adequately prepare, the following are great additions to your warm-up routine:

  • Abdominal Series
    • Lie on your back and bring one leg up at a time to tabletop position.
    • “Push, Cross, Pull, Push” is the order for hand placement on the thighs and direction of force application for this isometric exercise.
    • To activate your core, lift your tailbone without rounding your back into the floor and slowly resist your hands pushing your thighs up and away.
    • Hold each position for 30 seconds, keep breathing, and feel the abdominal muscles pulling together.
  • Dead Bugs
    • Lie on your back and bring one leg up at a time to tabletop position
    • Raise both arms up to the ceiling with palms facing each other
    • Slowly extend one leg and lower the opposite arm overhead to the floor. Return to start and repeat with the opposite side.
    • Keep the core muscles on during transition to prevent the spine from rotating.
  • PVC Pass-Throughs
    • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Use a wide grip to hold a PVC pipe at waist height.
    • Keep the arms locked out while bringing the pipe overhead and down to touch the low back.
    • Return the pipe to the front by passing it back overhead.
    • Progress by attempting to get the hands as close together as possible without having to bend the elbows.
  • Serratus Wall Slides
    • Stand with the feet about 2 feet from a wall.
    • Set the scapulae and place the forearms on a foam roll against the wall.
    • Keep the upper arms parallel to the floor and adjust the foot position if needed to eliminate any upper thoracic spine flexion.
    • Use the serratus anterior muscles to slide the elbows toward the wall within the range of motion available.
    • Keep the pectoralis muscles soft.
  • Overhead Lacrosse Ball Mobilization
    • Lean back on a wall with the trunk at a 45-degree angle.
    • Place a lacrosse ball on the wall between the shoulder blade and spine.
    • Lean into the ball gently while moving the trunk up and down.
    • Lean into the ball gently while slowly raising and lower the arm overhead.
    • The ball can be moved to various spots of tightness as needed.
  • Infraspinatus Punches
    • Anchor a stretchy band to a squat rack or door at shoulder height.
    • Bring the arm up parallel to the ground from the side with the elbow bent so the palm faces the band.
    • Grasp the band and move backward until there is sufficient tension in the band.
    • Keep the arms parallel to the ground and the hand in line with the shoulder.
    • Slowly bend and straighten the elbow while resisting the band pulling the hand forward.
  • Knees to Chest
    • Hang from pull-up bar
    • Perform a few kip swings to warm-up
    • Bring your knees to chest and lower them down into your kip
    • Try to perform 2-3 sets of 4-8

We also have a great resource to help prepare yourself for each day of the open. Check out our blog on “Preparing Yourself for the CrossFit Open” and look for us at Clark St Crossfit for 18.2 from 6-8 pm.