
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates nearly 3.8 million incidences of sports-related concussions occur every year. That is a lot of individuals reporting concussions and there are likely hundreds of unreported concussions as well. Physical therapy can be a key component to your return to your prior activity level.

Physical therapy after a concussion includes vestibular interventions, balance retraining, proprioceptive training, neuromuscular re-education, joint mobilization,

muscular facilitation, and so much more! Since the symptoms of a concussion and post-concussive syndrome are varied and patient-specific, physical therapy for one patient may look different than treatment for another patient despite both suffering a concussion.

It is vital that you find a physical therapist willing to investigate your personal issues related to your concussion. Our Body Gears team of physical therapists is ready to take on that challenge! If you or someone you know is suffering from a concussion, reach out to us! We are ready to help you on the road to recovery after your concussion.

Request Free Consult or Contact Us Today at Chicago Lincoln Park, Oak Brook, Oak Park, & Winnetka, IL Centers to learn more and start on the road to recovery.